
2023 Life Maintenance and Practical Goals



      • Develop a habit of enjoying and a taste for the ministry by:


            • Reading the Bible at least 10 minutes every day.

            • Reading two Life-Study messages (or chapters in another ministry book) per week.

            • Continuing in the corporate weekly enjoyment of the HWMR.

            • Attending live or virtual ministry conferences.

        • Start a Ministry Service Group to help saints practically get into the ministry.

        • Be partnered with one or two companions for mutual encouragement and accountability.

        • Make a practical plan to read the ministry. Determine your personal goal and how to work it out according to your schedule and capacity.



          • Maintain the healthy life practices of being revived every morning, persevering in prayer, reading the Bible alongside the ministry, and endeavoring to experience the Lord in our daily life.

          • Advance in the practice of church prayer, personally and corporately, by endeavoring to enter into the spiritual warfare as the church praying the prayers of authority.



            • Gain 10 saved and 5 baptized.

            • Be perfected to follow up in our shepherding, feeding, and raising up the younger believers; make a practical plan to have a partner and go out to visit or receive visitation at least one night per week.

            • Hold 3 gospel meetings this year; have more fellowship about other enterprising ways for gospel outreach (e.g., neighborhood children’s meetings, more involvement between campus labor and community saints, etc.).

            • Increase the church attedance:


                  • In the Lord’s Day Table and prophesying meetings to a running average of 36 to 38 total (up from 32). Increase of 4 to 6.

                  • In the Lord’s Day Worship and Ministry Meeting to be a running average of 16 to 20 students (up from 12). Increase of 4 to 8.

                  • In the Tuesday prayer meeting to be a running average of 18 to 20 total (up from 16). Increase of 2 to 4.

                  • In the home meetings to be a running average of 60 regular and semi-regular (up from 50). Increase of 10.



                • Increase and diversify the number who prophesy in the church meetings.

                • Raise up the younger believers and students to attend and function in the Lord’s Table and prophesying meetings, training them to function in these meetings. Build up the worship and ministry meeting to be a practice of prophesying as a transition into the normal church life.

                • Establish new service groups: website/digital outreach, ministry service, and meeting hall maintenance and decorating.

                • Each existing service group would meet by the end of February to plan for the year and determine their own goals.



                  • Church blending trip to the church in Chicago for the Memorial Day blending conference.

                  • Church blending trip to the church in Milwaukee for one Lord’s Day.

                  • Continue steadfastly in our prayer for other churches in our prayer meetings.