The church in Madison warmly welcomes you!   We are a group of believers from a variety of backgrounds who believe in the Lord Jesus with our whole heart and desire to come to the full knowledge of the truth.  We meet on the ground of oneness, the oneness of the Body of Christ.  We practice the inclusiveness of the church as seen in the New Testament.  We welcome all believers to enjoy the church life with us!

A few of our members…

Tim & melody

Madison Resident Since: 1997! We moved from Seattle area.

Occupation: Tim – designs technology for senior living facilities.  Melody works in healthcare

Favorite Thing about Madison: We enjoy the four distinct seasons and our dog, Rosie!

Favorite Verse: “Trust in Jehovah with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Favorite Memory of the Church: Meeting with members to enjoy the Lord together.

Seth & Katie

Madison Resident Since: 2017

Occupation: Electrical Engineer and Nurse Practitioner

Favorite Thing to do in Madison: Hiking the many trails in conservatories within Madison

Favorite Verse: “And you will seek Me and find Me if you search for me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13

Favorite Memory of the Church: Meeting with others in the church on Friday nights to eat food, sing, and read the word together.


Our children learn lessons on who God is and how to have proper human character such as kindness, patience, forgiveness, and honesty. We desire that our children will know the Bible and become proper human beings in this challenging world. Children’s meetings are at the same time as the church meetings every Sunday (Lord’s Day).
Singing + Lesson: 9:30-11am | Snack Break: 11-11:15am | Activity (crafts, games, etc.): 11:15am-12pm 


College Students

Our college students love to read the Bible, fellowship, and live the Christian life in their college years together.  The church in Madison supports Christian Students at UW-Madison by holding Bible studies, shepherding and discipling students, and welcoming them into our homes for meals and fellowship.

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